AR Filter


We design AR filters to maximize your online sales, brand awareness and engage with social media users in a fun way.

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What is AR Filter?

AR, or Augmented Reality, is a new technological development that has emerged in recent years. AR filter is defined as the addition of virtual objects on real object images thanks to the activation of the object recognition function of the devices.

Some of our upcoming works.

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AR Filter Production Process

One of the fun and economical ways to maximize your online sales, brand awareness and communicate with users during special occasions, campaign periods, and events is to use AR filters. You can organically feed your brand awareness through filters that are frequently used by social media users. Thanks to our AR filter service, which is designed in the way you want and open to user interaction, fiction, and scenario work is done in accordance with your brand identity.

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In line with the created AR filter fiction, we prepare a catchy and remarkable design and make it ready for publication on the platform where it will be used. All AR filters we have designed contain highly original and striking details. Therefore, each of them is entirely catchy and interesting.

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Advantages of Using AR Filters

• Interaction: AR filters allow consumers to interact with a brand in a fun and engaging way, increasing brand awareness.

• Affordability: AR filters can be created at a relatively low cost and used across social media platforms. This makes it a cost-effective marketing tool.

• Measurability: The measurability of AR filters makes it easy to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaigns.

• Mobile Compatibility: Being compatible with mobile devices makes AR filters a suitable marketing tool for reaching a wide audience.

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